Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Your Morning Laugh

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled U.S. Open coverage for a morning chuckle, courtesy of Mr. Shackelford.  Nothing gets his dander up quite like the misguided suits (but I repeat myself) and corporate-speak increasingly prevalent in our sport's governing bodies, and this morning he helpfully provides the Help Wanted notices for Zip Code 07931.

Readers no doubt have that zip memorized for their frequent missives and contributions to the United
Shack's re-imagined USGA logo.
States Golf Association, though for the purposes of this post Shack puts Golf in all-caps.  This will no doubt shock and/or disillusion the reader, but it so happens that the USGA is on something of a hiring spree, and Shack performs the helpful service of perusing the long list of openings and identifying the small subset that actually relate to, you know, golf.

I could show my usual wanton disregard for the laws governing fair use, but let's try something different this morning.  I'm going to simply ask the reader to click through to Geoff's site above, and read his short post in its native habitat.

On a tangential note related to the blog, there's been a sudden spike in traffic the last couple of days.  For the last few weeks we've been averaging daily pageviews from the sixties up to the eighties, but for the last two days we've broken one hundred (108 on Monday and 124 yesterday).  An established blog would expect a traffic spike in conjunction with a major event, but the astute reader will immediately discern that the key word there is established.  

I'm not exactly sure who these readers are or, more importantly, how they've found me.  Theresa assures me that she's not toggling F5 repeatedly, though she's hardly to be trusted on issues of such import.  She's been somewhat brazen in handing out the Unplayable Lies business cards she printed up, but that might be more effective if she actually had them on her person.  She's always asking for one from my wallet, which doesn't work quite as well when I'm not there.

In any event, welcome to my new readers, and please do pass the url on to anyone you think might have interest in my random musings.  Now back to our regularly-scheduled Pinehurst-centric programming...

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