Saturday, May 24, 2014

Heisenberg is in the House

In the precious few moments not spent blogging (Oh, how I suffer for you all), the bride and I recently managed to finish watching Breaking Bad from start to finish.  It gets my highest recommendation, and if you're going to watch one series about a high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with cancer that starts cooking blue crystal meth, do make it this one.

Those with us from the start of this may remember this post from January in which I introduced you to the Tin Cup products, used to put a wide range of markings on one's golf balls.  For Unplayable Lies newbies, this was the gist of that prior post:

I'm on Tin Cup's mailing list, and was intrigued by their current Cup of the Month, called Incognito:

Given that Theresa and I are deep into season 4 of Breaking Bad, I have to note that nothing could be more cognito than the above, which is clearly Heisenberg (a/k/a Walter White) from that show.  See what I mean?

Why do I bring this up? Because I bought myself my very own Incognito Tin Cup, and have just finished marking my first ball:

It'll be in play tomorrow.

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