Sunday, March 16, 2014

Readers' Poll

The bride and I took a most enjoyable walk yesterday in our front yard, i.e., on our golf course.  We weren't alone, as there were two crazies out for nine holes and a contingent of dog-walkers, including Mitch and Marti Cohen, Pam and Brad Mattes and Phil Drogin.

First, for those of you keeping a scorecard, it was this Mitch Cohen:
Team Willow Ridge at the Met Open Pro-Am at Sleepy Hollow CC in 2012, Mitch is on the right.
Not this one:

New ski buddy Mitch Cohen showing off his mid-season form.
Now that we've cleared that up...  While talking to the boys, I asked whether they had seen Mr. Daly's antics at Innisbrook, and Phil responded that he had read about it on my blog (I'll not dwell on Brad's question as to whether a blog is the same as a tweet).  Phil is a two-time Club Champion, and I'm flattered to have him reading my drivel. But he made one observation I'd like to run past the regulars.

He indicated that he has trouble reading the text, by which I assume he means the black text on the grey background.  It looks fine to Theresa and me (and that covers all three computers on which I regularly blog), but I wanted to ask whether anyone else has the same experience.  If so, I'll tweak the formatting... if not, we'll assume that Phil's just still bitter about the Governor's Cup finals.

1 comment:

  1. Phil's got a point-- the grey is a tad straining on the eyes (like trying to see if the ball went into the cup 220 yards away)-- but in keeping with having something different--and since the main subject is golf, how about something green, or at least a lot of golf emoticons?
