Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Friends = Blog Content

What's the point in having friends if you can't abuse them on your blog?  They're needy, time-consuming and some of them even have opinions of their own.... But if they provide amusement for a filler post to get us through a quiet Wednesday, that's a whole 'nother matter...

Last month we visited Round Hill Club with good friend and weekend golf buddy Warren "Wally" Light.  I caught this image of his golf swing, which you'll note is ever so slightly past parallel:

It's really insignificant, almost not discernible to the naked eye.

Now Theresa and I have another friend whose swing might interest you.  Her name is Jewelle, and with husband Glenn was our guest at last week's Mixed member Guest (a/k/a Glory's Last Shot).  To the naked eye it seems Jewelle might also go a smidgen past parallel, so we brought the camera with us and surreptitiously caught her action in burst mode.

Here's how she looks at the top of her driver backswing:

Upon further review, perhaps "top" isn't quite the correct term, as the club head registered peak altitude three frames earlier.  But except for Jewelle being taller and far more attractive than Wally, it's like they were separated at birth.

It's really quite amazing that they can make contact from this position, but they both do so consistently.  Forget simplifying the rules of golf, we need a mechanism to award them additional points for degree of difficulty, as what they do is far more challenging than anything I do with a golf club.

That's it for wacky golf swings, but we're not done culling the herd of friends.  I'm not sure where to assign blame, but far too many middle-aged (I may declare the use of middle-aged as a charitable deduction on my taxes) men dressing like they're Rickie Fowler fanboys. 

First up was this photo from a few weeks ago.  

This is curious, as Nathan Assor, on the right, is a died-in-the-wool Yankee fan from the cradle, yet showed up for the weekend four-ball dressed as Mr. Met.  Nathan felt that the shirt was more yellow than orange, but legalisms are the first refuge of a scoundrel or lawyer, but I repeat myself.  We'll not be critical of Wally since he is, in fact, a lifelong Mets fan and has obviously suffered enough.

And I've one more for you on this thread.  Theresa and I had dinner with Harriett and Ken Ketover recently, a delightful Willow Ridge couple whom we are just getting to know.  Ken is typically in the first group out on weekend mornings, and he warned me that his outfit the next day would be memorable.  True that:

That's Ken on the right with his good friend Joel Mounty.  For some reason it has me humming this song from the move Hustle & Flow:
You kno its hard out here for a pimp when you tryna get the money for the rent for the calliac and gas money spent would have a whole lot of bitches jumping shift

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